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How coaching can help

Naturally, our loved ones, family, friends, employers and associates, all have a personal interest in what we do with our lives. 


  • Imagine then, having a person who is always on your side, not trying to persuade you to do, or not do, something, but helping you to make decisions based on your desires; and being free to support your decisions because their only priority is for you to choose the life that you want to live.


  • Imagine therefore, being free to explore any ideas and dreams that you may secretly be keeping to yourself and to discover whether or not they could be made possible, without fear of them being laughed at or dismissed before they are even considered.


  • Imagine also, taking the time to review your life and all its possibilities, and then deciding to keep things exactly as they are today, without any fear of judgement or criticism for the time taken or changes not yet made. 


My role as your coach is to work alongside you, to increase your confidence, boost your motivation, and help you to look more closely at who you are and at any areas of your life that you are unhappy with or unsure about, and then to help you define the steps you need to take in order to make your life fuller and happier.  That is my purpose in our relationship – to work with you as you grow and remember who you really are and what you really want to do; and to be flexible as and when your desires change.


There are always challenges in life, whether at home, at work, or simply in trying to do so much in so few hours.  Coaching can help you to reduce stress and anxiety by helping you to feel more in control of your life, to ensure that you are doing the things that you love the most, and not simply letting life rush past whilst you worry about your ever increasing “to do” list and where on earth you are supposed to fit in joy.  


It is natural in life to need to feel a sense of belonging, both within our relationships and our work - we need to feel as though we make a difference.  At times it becomes apparent that we are working hard for much needed income, but with very little satisfaction.  Together we can explore whether your income or your work are bringing the fulfilment that you seek and look at how we can move towards your dharma (your purpose in life) being the motivation that brings you self-worth and happiness.


Let us ensure that the majority of your life is being lived in a way that inspires you, gives you the energy to want to do more, to enjoy being with those you are in daily contact with, and to allow space for new and exciting things to happen.  That way, when those inevitable obstacles come along, you will have the capacity and compassion to deal with them and know that balance will soon be restored.  

Life Coaching. Life Coach. Yoga. Leeds. Coeliac. ME / CFS.

“There is only one success – to be able to spend your life in your own way.”

Christopher Morley

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