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Coaching expectations

What do I expect from you?


  • An honest and committed approach to looking more closely at your life and what you would really like to do with it.


  • A serious commitment to working with me through what can, on occasion, be quite challenging and emotional decisions. 


  • A commitment to be on time and wholly present at our agreed sessions – and to not allow other distractions to interfere with the process.


  • To tell me if at any time you feel uncomfortable or wish to stop the sessions – temporarily or permanently.


  • A desire to explore and look beyond the boundaries you are currently using to prevent you from living your life to the full – in other words, to step outside your comfort zone.


What can you expect from me?


  • My undivided attention and commitment to your happiness and freedom.  I will work alongside you and help you to work through all the things that we may discover and new choices that need to be made. 


  • At all times you can expect a professional, non-judgemental and absolutely confidential service. 


  • As your coach I will sometimes ask challenging, thought provoking questions in order to help to ensure that you are living your life in line with your own values and beliefs – or even to establish what these are if you have never made yourself a priority long enough to consider them.  I will aim to do so in a kind and supportive manner, so that I can help you to adjust things in your life that are not working for you, and encourage you as these changes may not be received whole-heartedly by all those you hold close.


  • Someone who will keep you on track, help you overcome obstacles, maintain the bigger picture whilst you focus on taking the steps to get there, and someone who is looking forward to celebrating your successes as you create a life that you love.

Life Coaching. Life Coach. Yoga. Leeds. Coeliac. ME / CFS.

“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone."

Neale Donald Walsch

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